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​Teaching yoga is one of my greatest passions.  Beyond a healthy discipline and a watchful adherence to anatomical alignment and ancient Indian principles, my style has little to do with "yoga perfect" and everything to do with yoga PRACTICE. In your yoga classes with me, you will be invited to find what moves you, to focus on the feeling of safety within, and to come to peace with every cell in your physical body as well as the radiant energy you generate. Most yoga classes begin with prayers and meditations and end with deeply relaxing shivasanas. Yoga Nidra classes dive into profoundly relaxing sessions that teach you to loosen your grip and get in touch with your inner Self.


In all my yoga experiences, I integrate music, poetry, breath, movement and inspiration.  As a certified Reiki Master, I also employ certain Reiki techniques of energy attunement. 


After years of chronic pain, first-hand experience with trauma survivors, and extensive training in trauma-sensitive yoga teaching, I am uniquely suited to understand and help you celebrate what makes you YOU. Together we can create a personalized and deeply connected yoga experience 


 Write OM workshops are offered periodically at area yoga and dance studios, writers' conferences and special events. See below for a complete workshop description.  


In addition to Yoga for Creative Types, I also specialize in yoga nidra (the yoga of sleep) and Trauma Sensitive Yoga. In my Reiki sessions, participants report traveling to the astral plane, feeling deeply at peace, and unlocking potential in career and relationship aspects. 


 Please inquire if you would like to me to provide any of the above yoga classes, workshops or Reiki healing with your group. 


Yoga for Creative Types
Write OM
Create and Move with Breath and Awareness






"Write OM; Yoga for Creative Types", is a playshop-style course where together we can explore the intersections between yoga practice, the creative heart and the writing life.  Incorporating music, muses, movement and international yoga class experience with kinesthetic mind-body assimilation, it is my joy to create unique encounters that will breathe life into your creative expression and creativity into your yoga. Throughout class we will flow between classic yoga asanas (poses) to promote “creative juice flow” and breathing and meditative techniques that facilitate right-left brain synthesis and integrated thinking/feeling/ sensing. Participants will have opportunities for private introspection, writing interludes, and group workshopping.  We may get deep and philosophical or silly and nonsensical. It's all part of freeing the spirit within.  


Exercises will include free-writes, strength and endurance challenges, writing prompts, creative visualization, and more. Participants may choose the option for personalized feedback on work generated in class.


Participants are asked to wear clothing which allows freedom of movement and breath and to bring a yoga mat and a writing notebook. Some prior knowledge of yoga is beneficial but not necessary.  







© 2020 by EMILY SHEARER. Proudly created with

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